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Dadi Gulzar Life Story (Biography): English

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Dadi Gulzar BiographyBK Smarth
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Dadi Gulzar Biography

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➥Late Dadi Gulzaar, aka Hridaya Mohini was the chief administrative head of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (from April 2020 to 10 March 2021). Dadi Gulzar joined the Yagya (institution) at an age of 8, at its very beginning (in 1936) through a boarding school for children called 'Om Niwas' founded by Dada Lekhraj (then renamed Brahma baba). Dadi's age was 92 years when she passed.

✱ Early Life Story ✱
Early Spiritual life of Dadi Gulzar was full of joy and intoxication of being a child of God (as in those days Murli was spoken mainly on the coming New world (Satyug). This was the very initial teachings by Shiv baba through Dada Lekhraj (Brahma baba). She was a child and thus had no background knowledge of Vedas. Yet listening to Baba's Murli, she used to experience deep love and spiritual joy.

➥In those days (the 1940s), she started having visions of the Satyug during meditation. Not even Brahma baba or Mamma would have any visions, but a few little children including Gulzar received visions of the new age. After coming back in consciousness, she would tell everyone what she saw. This was common part of Dadi in those days (Karachi, 1939 to 1950)

➥After 1950, the group relocated in Mount Abu upon Baba's direction...

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