The 'Shiv Baba Services Initiative' team invites you to a scheduled online Zoom session, open for both new-comers and old BK students to join.
Day 1 online session - "Introduction to BKGSU + Guided meditation commentary"
(BKGSU = Brahma Kumaris Godly Spiritual University)
Date: 10th April 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 5:00 PM IST (India time)
Session duration➣ 35 mins
Hosted by➣ Brahma Kumar (BK) Sumeer, USA
Day 1 timetable
5:00-5:15 pm ➙ Introduction to BKGSU & to the session in brief (15 mins)
5:16-5:25 pm ➙ Guided meditation in Hindi (10 mins)
5:26-5:35 pm ➙ Guided meditation in English (10 mins)
Our Aim: "Experience RajYoga Meditation- Connecting with Shiv Baba"
Join Zoom Session
Join the online meeting/session with this direct link ➤
Join with this Meeting ID: 661 392 9792 (put this ID on your Zoom app)
Passcode: 969553
Useful Links
Godly Resources (audio, video, pdf)
Our Mobile Apps (Android, iOS)
Explore Sitemap (all links)