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  • Hindi 7 days Course in Audio | Brahma Kumaris

    7 days Hindi course in Audio In English Main Page ब्रह्माकुमारी आध्यात्मिक विश्वविद्यालय का सम्पूर्ण राजयोग कोर्स हिन्दी मे सुने और समझे। इसे आवाज़ दी है ब्रह्माकुमारी प्रीति ने। इस कोर्स में आपको स्वयं अर्थात आत्मा का परिचय, तथा अपनेरूहानी पिता निराकार परम-आत्मा अर्थात शिव बाबा का परिचय मिलेगा। आगे बढ़ते हुए आपको सृष्टि चक्र, कल्पवृक्ष और मनुष्य आत्माओ के ८४ जनम का महान रहस्य संक्षिप्त में समझाया जायेगा। अंत में ईश्वरीय सन्देश के रूप में परमात्मा के आगमन तथा उनके दिव्य कर्तव्य का बोध कराया जायेगा। इसका लाभ अन्य आत्माओ तक पहुँचे इसके लिए कृपिया हमारे online राजयोग कोर्स को SHARE करे। 0. राजयोग कोर्स का परिचय - Introduction Course Introduction in Hindi Brahma Kumaris 00:00 / 01:04 1. आत्मा का परिचय ~Who am I? -Self Realisation आत्मा (Soul)- Who am I? BK Priti 00:00 / 01:04 2. ३ धाम और परमात्मा शिव - 3 worlds and GOD God & 3 Worlds- परमात्मा का परिचय BK Priti 00:00 / 01:04 3. सृष्टि चक्र और 84 जनम की कहानी - World Drama Cycle सृष्टि चक्र - World Cycle BK Priti 00:00 / 01:04 4. श्रीमत गीता का ज्ञान दाता - Shiv is God of Geeta गीता ज्ञान दाता 'शिव' परमात्मा BK Priti 00:00 / 01:04 5. पथ प्रदर्शन - ईश्वरीय विश्व विधयालय का परिचय - Introduction of Shiv Baba and Murli. ईश्वरीय ज्ञान (मुरली) का परिचय BK Priti 00:00 / 01:04

  • About Us Hindi | Audio Article | Brahma Kumaris

    ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय का परिचय (BKWSU introduction in Hindi) Main Page ♫ Listen audio article About Us Hindi BK Smarth 00:00 / 07:36 Read Article along ब्रह्माकुमारी आध्यात्मिक विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना स्वयं निराकार परमात्मा शिव (सभी आत्माओ के पिता) ने अपने माध्यम प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा बाबा के साकार तन द्वारा सत्य ज्ञान सुनाये पुरानी कलयुगी दुनिया का परिवर्तन एवं नई सतयुगी, सुख की दुनिया की स्थापना हेतु की है। हम एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्थर पर मान्यता प्राप्त गैर-सरकारी संगठन (NGO) हैं, जो सभी धर्मो और संस्कृतिओ से सम्बंधित मनुष्यो को अंतरात्मा (आत्मा) को पहचानने, अनुभव करने और राजयोग के अभ्यास द्वारा उन्हें अपने जीवन में सकारात्मक और जादुई बदलाव लाने में मदद करते हैं। ✱ हमारी कहानी ✱ ओम मंडली - जैसा कि नाम से ज्ञात है, यह आरम्भ में (कराची, पाकिस्तान में 1936 की बात है) बच्चों, माताओं व कुमारों का छोटा सा एक संगठन था, जिन्होंने कुछ दिव्य अनुभवों के पश्चात् परमात्मा के मार्ग में अपना जीवन समर्पित कर दिया। उन्होंने अपने सभी सम्बन्ध - संपर्क द्वारा अत्यधिक कठोर वचन व उपेक्षाओं को सहन किया, मात्रा इसलिए क्योंकि उन्होंने परमात्मा द्वारा दिखाए गये मार्ग पर चल पवित्र जीवन जीने का निश्चय कर लिया था। उनका यह त्याग अमर हो गया, आज उन सभी महान आत्माओं को प्यार व सम्मान से दादी - दादा के रूप में सम्बोधित किया जाता है। भगवान बाप के ऐसे हीरेतुल्य बच्चों की जीवन कहानी जानने के लिए जीवनी शाखा पर जाएँ। ✿ वर्तमान समय ✿ अब परिवर्तन का वह समय हैं जो 5000 वर्ष के कल्प चक्र में एक ही बार आता हैं। जब सारा संसार भ्रष्टाचारी और दुखी हैं, तब परमपिता परमात्मा आता है अपने सभी बच्चों को दुःख से मुक्त करने के लिए। परमात्मा हमारा परमपिता, परमशिक्षक, गुरु, सच्चा मित्र, और अविनाशी माशूक़ भी है। वास्तव में वह सभी मधुर सम्बन्धो का सार है। हमारा परमपिता के साथ अति सुन्दर आत्मिक सम्बन्ध है और इसलिए हम अपने जीवन के कठिन व दुःख के समय उन्हें ही याद करते हैं। जानिए मुरली क्या है और कौन ज्ञान सुनते है। ➥ भगवान आ चुके हैं। इस समय जब मनुष्य अपने को आत्मा भूल गए है, जिसके कारण दुनिया में अधर्म, विकार और अज्ञान हैं , व मनुष्य नैतिक रूप से गिर गए हैं , परमपिता परमात्मा आया है हमें याद दिलाने, पढ़ाने और फिर से उसी दुनिया की स्थापना करने जो ५००० वर्ष पहले इस धरा पर थी जिसे हम आज भी स्वर्ग कहते हैं। वर्तमान समय वही संगमयुग हैं , अर्थात कल्प का वह समय हैं जो कलियुग के अंत व सतयुग के आरंभ में आता हैं। ➥ इस समय ही स्वयं शिव बाबा (भगवान) हमारा शिक्षक बनता हैं। इसलिए यह संस्था ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय नाम से जानी जाती हैं। हम स्टूडेंट्स स्वयं परमपिता परमात्मा के द्वारा ज्ञान व् गुणों को धारण कर रहे हैं। इस विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा हम रचता और रचना के सत्य को जान रहे हैं। आओ और आप भी अपने रूहानी पिता निराकार शिव से जनम जनम की प्राप्तियाँ करो। Read Full Article Useful Link ➤ शिव बाबा का सन्देश

  • 8 Powers of Soul | Audio Article | Brahma Kumaris

    The 8 Powers of Soul: Audio article Main Page ♫ Listen audio article 8 Powers of Soul BK Smarth 00:00 / 08:36 Read Article along ➤We now have realised the Self as an eternal soul who takes a body as a medium to performs actions, and enjoys its results. Now understand further, the fundamental properties of the Soul i.e. What are Spiritual powers present in the Soul through which we maintain the journey of our life. They are➤ Power to Accommodate, Power of Tolerate, Power to pack up, Power to Face, Power to Discriminate, Power to Judge, Power to Co-operate & Power to Withdraw. ✱Power to Accommodate "This is our ability to accept the presence, ideas, nature, and desires of others." ➥As water accommodates according to the shape of the container, and river accommodates as per the shape of the path, it teaches us to fit in all situations and yet remain original (pure). It teaches us to mix and adjust with others in all situations of life. It needs the virtue of "acceptance" for everyone as they are. We all are unique. ✱Power to Tolerate "This is our ability to manage difficult situations positively, yet not be affected by them." ➥Power of tolerating internal and external challenges. This is one of the most special and useful powers of soul. Use this power to live a happy life free from conflicts in relationships. To tolerate means, to remain in peace with any situation we face. Read Full Article Useful Link ➤ 8 Powers PDF

  • Daily Murli Poems | हिन्दी | Brahma Kumaris

    Murli Poems in Hindi Special Poems Online Services Murli Today आज की मुरली से कविता (Poem made from today's murli of Shiv baba) - Daily updated. Poems from Brahma Kumar Mukesh bhai (Rajasthan, India). If you have a query or for old poems, contact BK Mukesh : Below is date wise murli poems. For old murlis, to download/print, visit Murli Poems PDF Murli poem 01​ ​ * मुरली कविता दिनांक 4-05-2021 * ​ बाप का एक ही फरमान बच्चों तुम मानते जाओ सतयुग का वर्सा पाने के लिए पवित्र बनते जाओ ​ पवित्र बनने के बदले 21 जन्मों का वर्सा पाओगे विश्व की राजाई पाकर सच्चे सौदागर कहलाओगे ​ अपने मन में कभी कोई खराब ख्याल ना लाओ कोई दुखदाई बोल किसी को मुख से ना सुनाओ ​ देवताओं जैसे दिव्य गुणों को धारण करते जाओ जन्म तुम्हारा अन्तिम है अब पावन बनते जाओ ​ अज्ञान नींद में सोए हैं चढ़ाकर विकारों का नशा इसी कारण दुखदाई हुई तुम सब बच्चों की दशा ​ बाप से बुद्धियोग लगाकर तुम सारे पाप मिटाओ बच्चों सतयुग की राजाई तुम इसी विधि से पाओ ​ जन्म चौरासी लेकर तुम सब बन गए तमोप्रधान शिवबाबा को याद करके बन जाएंगे सतोप्रधान ​ योगबल से मेरे लाडलों तुम माया पर जीत पाओ मायाजीत बनकर तुम सब जगतजीत कहलाओ ​ अपने मुख से सदा ज्ञान रत्न ही निकालते जाओ मनसा वाचा कर्मणा मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम कहलाओ ​ अन्तिम जन्म में पवित्र बनने की प्रतिज्ञा निभाओ पवित्र बनने का तरीका औरों को भी सिखलाओ ​ कल्याणकारी भावना द्वारा गुणग्राही बन जाओ अन्तर्मन की हलचल तुम सदा के लिए मिटाओ ​ अवगुण वाली आत्मा के तुम गुण उठाते जाओ गुणों के ग्राहक बनकर अचल अडोलता पाओ ​ बाप को सबकुछ सौंपकर बच्चों हल्के हो जाओ मन बुद्धि से हल्के होकर तुम फरिश्ता कहलाओ ​ * ॐ शांति * Murli poem 02 ​ * मुरली कविता दिनांक 3-05-2021 * ​ सर्व धर्म पिताओं के पिता ब्रह्मा बाबा कहलाते शिवबाबा उनमें प्रवेश कर हम बच्चों को पढ़ाते ​ इस जन्म का पाप कर्म तुम बाप से ना छुपाओ बाप की श्रीमत अनुसार श्रेष्ठ कर्म करते जाओ ​ पाप यदि छुपाया तो ये निरन्तर बढ़ता जाएगा बाप से तुम्हारा बुद्धियोग कभी ना लग पाएगा ​ पाप छुपाने वाले पर सौ गुणा दण्ड पड़ जाएगा ऐसा बच्चा खुद ही अपना सत्यानाश कराएगा ​ पुरानी दुनिया में हम हैं थोड़े दिनों के मुसाफिर सब कुछ छोड़कर हमें घर जाना होगा आखिर ​ मनुष्य से हम देवता बन रहे ये निश्चय जमाओ पद ऊंचा पाने के लिए श्रेष्ठ कर्म करते जाओ ​ बिना बाप के सहारे विकारों में ही गोता खाया कल्प के अन्त में बच्चों ने हाथ बाप का पाया ​ बाप को याद करके ही पवित्र तुम बन पाओगे पवित्र बनकर ही तुम पवित्र दुनिया में आओगे ​ कई बच्चों की चलन छी छी तुल्य नजर आती ऐसे बच्चों को कच्चा ही माया हप्प कर जाती ​ श्रीमत के विरुद्ध कर्म करके खुशी ना गंवाओ ज्ञान को धारण करके तुम बुद्धिमान कहलाओ ​ ज्ञान की हर बात को अपने आचरण में लाओ शुद्ध संकल्प जमा करके व्यर्थ मिटाते जाओ ​ ज्ञान और अनुभव को निरन्तर बढ़ाते जाओ मस्त फकीर रमता योगी खुद को तुम बनाओ ​ * ॐ शांति * Murli poem 03​ ​ * मुरली कविता दिनांक 2-05-2021 * अपने धन बल के मिथ्या अहंकार में ना आओ छोटा हो या बड़ा सभी का रिगार्ड रखते जाओ अपनी चाल चलन तुम देवताओं जैसी बनाओ पद्मापद्म भाग्यशाली खुद को अनुभव कराओ अच्छी रीति से तुम अपनी संभाल करते जाओ सबको सुख देकर तुम खुद को लायक बनाओ मेरे बच्चों सदा खुद से तुम पूछना केवल इतना श्रीमत पर खुद को मैंने लायक बनाया कितना अगर किसी विषय में कमजोर तुम रह जाओगे ऊंच पद पाने से खुद को वंचित ही तुम पाओगे खुद को यदि तुम सम्पूर्ण पवित्र नहीं बनाओगे लक्ष्मी नारायण के घराने में प्रवेश नहीं पाओगे मुख से फूल निकले अपनी वाणी ऐसी बनाओ बच्चों अपनी दृष्टि को तुम पावन बनाते जाओ कामचिता पर चढ़ गए तो कड़ी सजा खाओगे अंत समय आएगा तब मन ही मन पछताओगे सृष्टि चक्र का ज्ञान अपनी बुद्धि में तुम घुमाओ ज्ञान स्वरूप बनकर बाप के लाडले कहलाओ सर्व सम्बन्धों का प्यार शिवबाबा से तुम पाओ अपने श्रेष्ठ भाग्य का नशा खुद पर तुम चढ़ाओ जिसमें खुशी समाई हो संकल्प वही उपजाओ तन, मन और जीवन को खुशियों से महकाओ *ॐ शांति*

  • Right Thinking

    How to Think Right in Any Situation? BK Shivani's short Talks Video Description Right Thinking

  • Shiv Baba Service Initiative | Brahma Kumaris

    The Shiv Baba Service initiative Services done Cont ribute The only and official page to know about ongoing godly services initiative via internet. This is the only place to get know about the 'Shiv Baba Services Initiative' started in early 2016 for the final revelation of the most beloved supreme father ( Shiv baba ). All services are done on the internet. ​ What is this initiative for? The initiative is for spiritual services done which are directly inspired by Shiv Baba. Thus we call it ' Shiv Baba Service '. Under this, we are making a base to create the godly kingdom for the coming new world (satyug ). Under this initiative, we are to do large services through internet via various means. We are spreading Shiv Baba's divine message via all possible means (website, mobile apps, youtube channel, groups, social med ia, and emails) ​ Current Se rv ices Currently we ru n and manage: 5 Websites (main BK site , BK Sustenance , BK Google , ) 1 SoundCloud audio channel 3 mobile apps 14 WhatsApp groups & 1 Samadhan Q and A group 1 telegram channel (BK Sustenance ) 3 active email accounts for Q and A (guidance given on both Gyan related questions & personal life challenges) Finance for all services is governed by personal savings and volunteer contributions . When and How was it started? This godly initiative was started in early 2016 with a YouTube channel to reveal God's knowledge to every soul in many ways. Daily murlis, avyakt murli clips, audio explanations, visuals, Rajyog meditation commentaries, regular classes, etc. were posted daily. In May 2017, an idea emerged to start a website, where we can keep YouTube videos plus provide resources for both new and old baba's children. After 4 months of starting this website, the YouTube channel was closed. This provided me with extra time to work on the website and improve it. ''Lets make a one-stop website for everything'' , a thought came. This was the true time of initiative. I devoted my entire time on this website. With this pure intention and hard work of 21 months, the website was almost ready to be said as One website for Everything . In Jan 2019, this website was reviewed by BK Karuna (Mount Abu) and they liked it very much. However, much work was left to be done. We needed helping hands and baba continued to send them at the right times... How a team was formed? It was in late 2017. We received emails from this website visitors to contribute in baba's service. We offered them to join our team since they were also in Gyan. This way, gradually, our team started growing. We created an official form for anyone who wish to join the Shiv Baba Services Initiative. ​ ✿ Present Stage The initiative has been growing, and more services are being done via many platforms. Many new websites were opened, the main website has been growing as we are improving the content. Today, the main website is the most used BK website as per the number of daily visits. Along with this, under our subsidiary Samadhan Initiative, we serve souls, answering to their questions, and giving guidance to solve their life challenges through our Samadhan WhatsApp group, and 3 email accounts. You can find all our services listed in this section . ​ Team of the SBSI On godly permission, this team has done a great and yet incognito service. Shiv baba is the creator (incorporeal creator) of this group. Such special souls will become an instrument for higher services in the future. Note that all members of our service team are living with loukik family. These souls are an example of Baba's Shrimat - ''Live in loukik (household) and do the Purusharth of Yaad and service.'' ​ TEAM : There have been around 18 souls who have served in this initiative on various posts and did various services (developing 2 mobile apps, handling our main blog , murli website , writing articles , editing videos for our YouTube channel, handling our social media pages, serving on our daily sustenance WhatsApp groups , making PDF booklets , and even writing some books.

  • Telugu Songs online – Brahma Kumaris

    Telugu Songs (Shiv baba Geeth శివ బాబా పాటలు ) Resources Telugu songs of Shiv baba by Prajapita Brahma kumaris Godly university. Best collection playlist to listen online. From Sound cloud main BK channel. శివ్ బాబా పాటలు ముందు వినడానికి పాటలు మురళీ. Download all songs Tamil & Telugu se ction Hindi Songs Do SHARE this page

  • Sakar Murli songs — Brahma Kumaris

    Sakar Murli songs (मुरली के गीत) Murli Today Resources A collection of Sakar murli songs (Murli ke Geet) to download in mp3 or listen online. Old original recorded songs (most songs are taken from films and some from devotional albums, and Baba use to explain the true meaning of those songs during Murli ). Enjoy the magic of these songs as you you understand its true meaning. Listen daily before you listen or read the Murli. Many of these songs will match with Murli songs. Do SHARE to other BK brothers/sisters you know. यह साकार मुरली के गीत है, जो बाबा की मुरली के पहले बजते थे और है l यह गीत सुनकर शिव बाबा को याद करे और फिर रोज की ज्ञान मुरली सुने l ( Please wait for 5 seconds to load audio ) Download all songs Tu Pyar ka Sagar Hai Murli song 00:00 / 04:48 Na Yeh Chaand Hoga Murli song 00:00 / 03:14 Om Namah Shivay Murli song 00:00 / 03:06 Mehfil Mein Jal Uthi Shama Murli song 00:00 / 03:13 Nayi Umar Ki Kaliya Mamma Baba 00:00 / 03:40 Na Woh Humse Juda Honge Brahma Kumaris 00:00 / 03:31 Aaj Nahi to Kal Murli song 00:00 / 03:20 Nanhe Munne Bacche Teri Shiv Baba 00:00 / 03:20 Tumhe Pa Ke Humne Murli song 00:00 / 03:20 Aa Chal ke Tujhe Shiv Baba 00:00 / 04:43 Banwari Ree.. Jeena ka Murli song 00:00 / 03:20 Aa Gaye Dil Me Tum Murli song 00:00 / 02:50 Mujhko Sahar Dene Wale Brahma kumaris 00:00 / 03:15 Aaj Andhere Me Hai Murli song 00:00 / 03:14 Aane Wale Kal ki Tum Murli song 00:00 / 03:20 Sukh Ke Sab Saathi Dukh me Hindi film 00:00 / 03:28 Taqdeer Jaga Kar Aayi Hoon Murli song 00:00 / 03:21 Kisine Apna Bana Ke Mujhko Brahma Kumaris 00:00 / 03:24 Bada Khush Naseeb Hai Hindi film 00:00 / 03:20 Jyot se Jyot Jagate Chalo Murli song 00:00 / 04:01 Mujhe Pyar Ki Zindagi Denewale Brahma Kumari 00:00 / 04:16 Badal Jaye Duniya Brahma Kumari 00:00 / 03:01 Mukhda Dekh le Prani Murli song 00:00 / 03:20 Marna Teri Gali Mein Murli Song 00:00 / 03:20 Har Taraf Har Jagah God is Light 00:00 / 06:18 Tu Pyar ka Sagar Hai 2 Shiv Baba 00:00 / 04:48 Maata O Maata Murli Song 00:00 / 03:20

  • Revelations on Jesus Christ | Brahma Kumaris

    Jesus Christ - Revelations on His time, Life Story and Christian Religion Main Page A brief biography of Christ as revealed in Murlis , spok en by the incorporeal God father 'Shiv' (meaning 'Ever Benevolent) through the medium of his chariot Prajapita Brahma, after whom the name Brahma Kumaris was given. All below are as it is revelations given from Murli. The truth of how religions of world are established by their respective fathers. Here it is revealed how the Soul of Christ enters and established his religion 2000 years ago. Anything about Christ will be loved by his beloved Christians. So with love for our Christian brothers, we write to you this: Essence: Time : Christ comes to play his part of establishment of the Christian religion in the copper age of world cycle after exactly 3000 years after the creation of heaven and 500 years after the end of the silver age. ​ Life : The Soul of Christ enters the body of Jesus (when Jesus would be around an age of maturity between 25 and 30) and starts preaching the knowledge through his mouth. In truth, Christ did not take birth from the womb of a mother, it was the soul of Jesus who took a birth. There are 2 different souls and hence the name is given 'Jesus Christ' signifying both Jesus and the Christ (founder of Christianity) ​ Religion : The Soul of Christ would use the body of Jesus to preach the knowledge about God Father that he has. Soul carries the information. Christ keeps entering the body of Jesus regularly. In about 5 to 7 years only, the entire preaching was told. It was Jesus who was crucified and not Christ, as Christ just came down to this world. His soul was completely pure and with the law of the world, no pure soul can get sorrow or pain. Christ merely used the medium of Jesus to establish his religion. But surely, as the body of Jesus attained death, both Jesus and the Christ has to take birth. This time, even Christ will take birth to a mother. The religion is established and now it is time to create a kingdom. Useful Links About GOD Revelations On Buddha Revelations 7 Virtues of Soul 1. As explained about the World Drama Cycle , there was only one religion in the world for the first half of the cycle (i.e. 2500 years). There was heaven on earth 3000 years before Christ. A cycle of happiness and sorrow exist. Each time is referred to as Heaven and hell. When all the souls of the world were in their highest and pure stage, it was heaven. When they fell into vices (ate the apple of lust), the copper age begins. Christ comes 500 years after the beginning of the Copper Age. ​ It is the copper age only when the heads of religions (Ibrahim, Buddha, Christ, etc) comes one by one and establish their religions around the world. When their religion is established, the souls which belong to that religion would come down and take birth in a family where that particular religion is followed. So the head of Christians is Christ and all rest souls which belong to Christian religion would follow the Soul of Christ and come down after him. (Here come down means - coming down to this corporeal world from our home, the incorporeal soul world ) Below lines are taken from Murlis of Shiv baba. To understand them, you first need to know What is Murli? ​ 2. "Christ does not take birth like an ordinary child. In fact, Christ is the name of the head of Christian religion and it is not Jesus who established the religion. It is the soul of Jesus, who takes birth from a mother. When Jesus is around the age of maturity, the Soul of Christ comes and enters his body and starts preaching the knowledge." - Sakar Murli (spoken by God through his chariot- Brahma) ​ 3. "The soul of Christ is pure when it first comes, hence he cannot suffer pain (crucifixion). It was Jesus's soul who suffered the pain during the crucifixion. Soul of Christ had left the body of Jesus after the preaching of knowledge was done." - Sakar Murli ​ 4. "It takes 100 years to establish the Christian religion, so as all religions are established within 100 years of coming of the founder. In those 100 years, knowledge is given and followers of their path are prepared." - Sakar Murli ​ 5. "Fathers of religions are divine souls who come on their own time. They are not exactly sent by God. It is automatically that the souls come to play their part in world drama . It is the incorporeal world where souls live before they enter this corporeal world. In that world, there is no sound or activity. When the world becomes vicious and starts falling down (spiritually), these fathers of religions comes to give God's message and establish a new religion. " - Sakar Murli Comments : In memory of the soul of Christ, it is present that God is light . He keeps thus pointing towards him as God the creator of heaven. He knew that heaven was created and those who followed the advice of God were uplifted and those who disobeyed, did not achieve that paradise. There was only one religion in the golden and silver ages. Souls were conscious of their true identity, thus it was a perfect world where nature was also at her highest stage. With no trace of sorrow, it was a perfect world. ​ Christ is beloved of God Father and thus his name keeps coming in the Murli many times, while Baba (the father) tells about how the three major religions of the world were established. Just as Christ you and me are equally beloved sons of Godfather, whose biography and introduction you will learn on the page - GOD .

  • Test Page | Brahma Kumaris Sustenance

    Test Page for BK Sustenance site

  • Brahma Kumaris Sustenance - Official Site

    Brahma Kumaris Sustenance New➙ Follow on Facebook . We are opening our Blog for general audience. You will soon get daily sustenance through this site. Official Site from the 'Shiv Baba Service' team. ​ Daily Murli Blog, Daily Podcast , Hindi poems , Audio articles , articles blog & more. ​ First version of this new site was released on 24 June 2020 (Mamma Day) ​ This is the most advanced built BK website by today. Please SHARE this website. ​ Updated on: 18 Dec, 2021

  • Sitemap | Brahma Kumaris Sustenance

    Sitemap - One place for Everything Sitemap has internal links to ALL the pages of BK Google and of our main website (about,rajyoga course,online services,revelations,resources,etc). Hence you can find everything here that you may are searching. Also visit our main website (One Site for Everything for Brahma Kumari Godly Spiritual University students), a gift from Shiv baba. BK Sustenance Blog (sustenance) Audio Articles Library Hindi Poems (pdf) Aaj ka Purusharth (pmtv) Sakar Murli Songs BK Google Soul Talk (advance) Yogi Diet Advance Murli Online Registration RajYoga Course Audio Nature Music Contribute to Godly Services ABOUT Blog Biography section Hindi Biographies History in Detail Early History Old Yagya Images Om Shanti meaning World of Peace women leaders Maha Shivratri FAQs Resources Brahma Kumaris songs Telugu songs Classes (Dadis, bk suraj,shivani,) English Playlist Sakar Murli Audio Mamma ki Murli Rajyoga music and guided Soul Talk episodes Nature's Relaxing Sounds/music eBooks Audio Books Avyakt BapDada Murli Awakening with BK episodes BK Suraj bhai classes Shrimat Geeta chapters Sakar Murli PDF Sakar Murli songs Sakar Murli in English Revelations What is Murli ? On World Transformation Shri Krishna birth Golden Age - Scenes World Drama and Cycle On Jesus Christ On Guatam Buddha Book on World Drama (Eng) Vishwa Natak Chakra (Hindi) ​ Truth of Maha Shivratri Advance Party Secrets Services Daily Gyan Murli Murli Blog (read Murli, articles) Open Forum News - New uploads & More BK songs download Rajyoga music and commentary PMTV Purusharth Shiv Baba images Shiv Baba Wallpapers Downloads - images,songs Videos online Online Store Podcast WISDOM Who am i ? - Soul Introduction of GOD Three Worlds exist Eternal World Drama Cycle Law of Karma Raja Yoga meditation 8 powers of Soul 7 virtues of Soul Articles Hindi Course Audio Course Course PDFs Tamil & Telugu section Magazines Other Pages What is New? Centre Locator (International) Centre Locator (India) Contact Us Question Answers Mobile Apps (android) Mobile apps (iPhone) Brahma Kumaris SoundCloud

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